Servers Share The Most Frustrating Customer Behaviors

Even though eating at a restaurant is all about enjoying a wonderful culinary experience, there are certain things you just can’t do to a server. Some selfish customers treat them like their own personal worker, making their shifts a waking nightmare. Waiters and waitresses can't tell you about these awful behaviors while they're working, but they desperately want you to avoid these missteps.

Asking What's Good

Really? This is way too broad of a question! The answer totally depends on what you like, and how is your waitress supposed to read your mind? At least give the server a hint!

Excessive Substitutions

Think of a chef as an artist and the food as their art. Would you tell a painter how to paint? Unless it’s about an allergy, try not to rewrite the menu. Chefs put a lot of thought into it, and mindless substitutions drive them up the wall.

Not Tipping

Tips are how waiters and waitresses make a large chunk of their money. If you don’t tip them, they simply make less money. It puts their survival at stake. A good rule of thumb is not to eat out if you can’t tip — we mean it!

People Who Don’t Know How To Tip

You know what's almost worse than leaving no tip? An insultingly small tip. Giving away those few pennies from your pocket is NOT a tip. Think 20%, people, especially if you’re a regular.