The Personal Hygiene Mistakes That Most People Are Guilty Of

You clean behind your ears, scrub at the crannies between your toes, and even remember to wash your hands before you eat, and yet, you’re still crawling with bacteria. There’s no eradicating all the filth in our lives no matter how much we clean, but there are some common areas we should pay extra attention to. These illuminating tips will bring to the surface your worst hygiene mistakes.


Turns out there is such thing as being too clean. Constant scrubbing with bath products can seriously dry out your skin. The dryness actually makes it easy for thousands of species of bacteria on the human body to penetrate your skin.

Only Showering In The Morning

Yes, showering in the morning has many benefits. Still, showering before bed does the body good, too. Our heads bring a hefty amount of bacteria to our pillowcases each night — and please consider the state of your sheets.

Cloth Diapers

The University of Arizona released research that washing cloth diapers in laundry machines without proper disinfection and high temperature exposure can transfer E.coli to future loads of laundry.

Old Toothbrushes

By the same token, all that added oral hygiene won’t make a difference if you’re using an ancient toothbrush. Dentists suggest you replace your toothbrush every three months at minimum, and sooner if those bristles start fraying.