Hotel Maid Is Brought To Tears After Pulling The Sheets Off New Guests' Bed

What's the strangest thing you've ever found in a hotel room? Most hotel housekeepers can rattle off a laundry list of crazy things left behind by guests, though none will ever top what one Utah maid found hiding beneath the covers. As the crumpled bedsheets slipped from her hand, what she saw was so startling that words escaped her entirely. All she could do was cry...

A Tough Life

After all, this maid — we'll call her "Alice" — had been through some pretty tough times already. With just a few dollars to her name, Alice had been working one low-paying job after another just to make ends meet.

An Opportunity

So when Alice spotted a "Help Wanted" sign in the window of a well-known Park City hotel, she jumped at the chance to make herself a little better off. Unfortunately, landing the job was no sure thing.

Not The Best Fit

Given Alice's lack of a work resume and little experience in hospitality, the hotel manager was skeptical about bringing her onboard. Yet, like Alice, the manager wasn't exactly in a position to be selective.

No Easy Job

The hotel in question was known for attracting rowdy and unruly guests, and its rooms would often look like a tornado swept through them after each checkout. Things had actually gotten so bad that the previous housekeeper had quit!