40 Frigid Photos Of Winter’s Wrath That Are Making People Shiver

Love him or hate him, Old Man Winter shows up every year to shower us with frigid temperatures and blustery winds. But have you ever felt cold so intense your breath actually froze midair? Temperatures can dip so low that boiling water turns to snowy powder the second it hits the air. Luckily modern technology allows us to power through even the coldest winter season in comfort, but that doesn't mean Jack Frost won't go down swinging!

Frozen Lake

This ominous photo looks like a still shot straight out of the movie The Day After Tomorrow. But nope, it's a very real frozen-over lake. You can just picture an ice tsunami forming and totally annihilating the helpless city cowering in the distance.

Ice Wheel

If the owner of this vehicle carefully collects every individual piece of perfectly frozen ice from their car, they could build the world's first ice-mobile! Now if only cars ran on cold water instead of gasoline...

Boil Cloud

This mesmerizing explosion of powder is what happens when you take a pot full of boiling water and toss it straight into negative 40-degree air. That guy is a brave soul to head outside with no shirt on.

Al Dente

Some people like their pasta noodles soft and chewy, and some like them al dente, a little firmer. But here we have a bowl of pasta so firm it's inedible! The cold froze those noodles so stiff they held the weight of a metal fork!